Conservative Dentistry in Torrevieja | De la Torre Dental Clinic

De la Torre Dental Clinic

Conservative dentistry in Torrevieja

La conservative dentistry It covers a series of procedures designed to avoid the need to extract teeth affected by caries or traumatic injuries. Its main objective is to protect and preserve the patient's natural teeth, with the intention that they last throughout their lives.

At De la Torre Clínica Dental we offer you the most avant-garde treatments of conservative dentistry in Torrevieja

Our goal is to preserve your natural teeth to last a lifetime.

Conservative dentistry

Dental Fillings Torrevieja | De la Torre Dental Clinic

Dental fillings

A dental filling, popularly known as a filling, involves the creation of a cavity in a tooth affected by decay, followed by the application of a resin material to restore and repair said tooth.
Torrevieja Dental Reconstructions | De la Torre Dental Clinic


A dental reconstruction, unlike a filling, is a larger procedure performed to repair severely damaged teeth. In many cases, this treatment is combined with an inlay previously made in a dental laboratory. 
Dental Inlays Torrevieja | De la Torre Dental Clinic


Within the treatments conservative dentistry, is the dental inlay, which is used to restore posterior teeth that have been affected by significant decay. It is also used to cover dental cracks or fractures, as long as the damage is not extensive enough to require a dental crown.
Endodontist in Torrevieja | De la Torre Dental Clinic

Root canals

Endodontics, also known as root canal treatment, is one of the most common procedures in conservative dentistry. It is carried out when a cavity has not been treated in time and can no longer be repaired with a filling. This procedure involves the complete extraction of the dental pulp.
Conservative Dentistry in Torrevieja | De la Torre Dental Clinic

Conservative dentistry in Torrevieja

Prevention plans

The prevention of caries and periodontal diseases constitutes a fundamental part of the conservative dentistry. For this reason, as part of the periodic reviews that we carry out in our dental clinic in Torrevieja, we provide the patient with instructions on brushing techniques, advice for diet control and guidance regarding habits that are harmful to health. oral health

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